CLIENT: Art My Jozi
Art My Jozi commissioned us to do research and visual experiments around the history of people and transit in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Johannesburg, as part of their proposal for a 200m long mural project on Louis Botha Avenue. The road is a vital artery through Johannesburg’s transit network, running in one form or another from Marlboro in the north to Soweto in the south.
Jess created a set of illustrations based on the heritage of the site and composited them in situ as part of their proposal to the Johannesburg Roads Agency, which was later accepted! She included references to beloved architecture and natural features, an evolution of vehicles used in the area throughout history, and pivotal events such as the 1957 Alexandra township bus strike.
Her final artwork was used as reference to brief a team of street artists who created an incredible final product, which you can see here on Instagram.